The Better You Are : Postpartum Period

The Better You Are, the better you are!

This is one of a series of four videos, funded by Indiana Quality Improvement Network (IQIN), that health centers can utilize to educate patients and staff on perinatal health and wellness.

A talented group of clinicians and care team members have gathered to formulate a panel discussion to talk about issues mothers and fathers face prior to, during, and after pregnancy. Please share these videos with patients and staff. It is our hope to empower and educate Hoosiers to build healthy families.

In this video, the panel discusses issues around health and well-being after birth, such as caring for a new baby, breastfeeding and postpartum anxiety.

The panel discussion is hosted by: Lauren Dungy-Poythress, MD, and Sierra Wood, RN, IBCLC
with: Regina Adair, MD, MBA; Jo Ann Matory, MD; Ann Osuntokun, MD; Tamika Dawson, MD.

Click below to see the other videos in this series:

• Pre-Pregnancy

• During Pregnancy

• Pregnancy Advice for Fathers

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