Advocating for quality health care for all persons residing in Indiana. IPHCA supports the development of community-oriented primary care initiatives, including Community Health Centers (CHCs).

What is IPHCA

Since 1982, The Indiana Primary Health Care Association, Inc. (IPHCA), has advocated for quality health care for all persons residing in Indiana. IPHCA supports the development of community-oriented primary care initiatives, including Community Health Centers (CHCs).

Included in IPHCA's broad definition of primary care are medical, dental, and behavioral health services. IPHCA has a diverse membership that provides for CHCs, interested individuals, and organizations that support IPHCA's critical mission.

Access to quality, affordable primary health care - especially by those who most need but can least afford it - is one of the major social and economic issues facing both Indiana and the nation today.

Indiana's problem is perhaps best seen in one statistic: roughly 12% of Hoosiers (732,000+ people) have no health insurance at all. Many of these uninsured are children, and the majority struggle in low-wage jobs. In 2007, roughly 15% of Hoosiers had incomes below the poverty line; this saps Indiana's ability to maintain a vibrant economy.

Thankfully, there's a compassionate and proven response - Community Health Centers (CHCs). For more than 45 years, CHCs have been an integral part of the nation's "safety net". They are community oriented and give whole-person care that starts with primary care providers in modern offices. Last year, Indiana's CHCs were "health care homes" for 500,000+ patients. Roughly 90% of CHC patients have incomes below 200% of the Federal poverty level (with about 65% falling below 100% of poverty.

The Indiana Primary Health Care Association is the statewide association that fosters the work of these critical Health Centers. Our mission is to champion the development and delivery of accessible, community-driven quality health care. We support existing CHCs, help start new ones, advocate for Hoosiers most in need, and address the crucial problems of health care access and quality in Indiana.

Our Mission

To champion the development and delivery of accessible, community-driven quality health care to those in need; regardless of ability to pay.

Our Vision

A barrier-free, high-quality health care system that is:

• Acceptable • Accessible • Affordable • Appropriate • Available

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