
IPHCA's programming is diverse, specialized, and can be tailored to meet the unique needs of its members.

About IPHCA Programs

IPHCA's programming is diverse, specialized, and can be tailored to meet the unique needs of its members.

Offerings include Technical Assistance (TA), Education and Training, Quality Improvement Technologies, Outreach and Enrollment, Community Development, Shortage Designations, National Health Service Corp, Bioterrorism and Emergency Preparedness assistance and much more.

These are some of the current programs operated or provided by IPHCA.


IPHCA master logo
IPHCA Value Based Care

Value-Based Care

Start here for all resources and learning on the Value-Based Care program.

Prpare program - social determinants of Health

The Protocol for Responding to and Assessing Patients' Assets, Risks, and Experiences (PRAPARE) is a national effort to help health centers and other providers collect and apply the data they need to better understand their patients' social determinants of health.

As providers are increasingly held accountable for reaching population health goals, they need tools and strategies to identify the upstream socioeconomic drivers of poor outcomes and higher costs. With this data, they can transform care with integrated services to meet the needs of their patients, address the social determinants of health, and demonstrate the value they bring to patients, communities, and payers.

This Program is created by the National Association of Community Health Centers (NACHC)


Focus on Quality logo 22-1

The Indiana Primary Health Care Association (IPHCA) and the Indiana Quality Improvement Network, a health center-controlled network (IQIN HCCN), have partnered to streamline quality improvement training efforts for community health centers.

Both IPHCA and IQIN share a goal to improve the performance of clinical and operational quality measures using data, health IT, and implementation of promising practices around Indiana.


For further information on any IPHCA programs, please contact our teams.