Become a member

Everything you need to know about joining our membership

IPHCA Membership

The Indiana Primary Health Care Association membership is made up of  organizations, agencies, and individuals in the State of Indiana who support the mission, goals, and "characteristics of services delivery" of the Association.

The process to become a member begins by completing an application,  which then goes to the IPHCA Membership Committee for consideration. Applicants are normally notified of the decision within 6-8 weeks

There are several categories of Membership of IPHCA, which are designated by the Membership Committee. A member may only hold one category of membership, so a change in circumstances of a member organization sometimes results in their membership being recategorized.

Membership Categories:

A. Community Health Center Membership

  • Community Health Center Membership is available to any health center that is designated and approved by HRSA as a community health center or any other, that is committed to the mission of this Association and must be actively engaged in providing primary health care, governed by a Board of Directors comprised of more than 50% of consumer/community membership, and provide primary health care services to indigent persons on a sliding or reduced fee scale.
  • An officer, director, or  employee of a Community Health Center is eligible for a position on Board committees. An officer, director, or member of the CHC Executive team is eligible for a Board of Directors position.

B. State-Funded Community Health Center Primary Care Provider Membership

  • Community health centers are governed by a Board of Directors with less than 50% consumers and receive operational funding through monies designated for community health centers by the State of Indiana.
  • An officer, director, or employee of a State-Funded Community Health Center Primary Care Provider Member organization is eligible for a position on the Board of Directors and Board committees.

C. Associate Primary Care Provider Membership

  • Associate Primary Care Provider Membership is available to any non-profit or tax-exempt organization or rural health clinic committed to this Association's purposes and offering primary health care services to indigent persons on a sliding or reduced fee scale.
  • An officer, director, or employee of an Associate Primary Care Provider Member organization is eligible for a position on the Board of Directors and Board committees.

D. Affiliate Membership

  • Any non-profit organization that provides services or conducts business to improve access to primary care services for Indiana residents, is not a community health center and does not offer primary care services, is eligible to become an Affiliate Member.
  • An officer, director, or employee of an Affiliate Member organization is qualified by invitation from the Chair for appointment to a Board committee.

E. Individual / Training Membership

  • Individual Membership in the Association is open to any person supporting the Indiana Primary Health Care Association's purposes, including students, residents, or others training in the health care field.
  • Exceptions include:
    (1) an employee or Board member of an organization that is eligible for any of the three Primary Care Provider Membership categories that is not currently an organizational member or
    (2) an employee of a funding grantor or contractual entity of IPHCA.
  • An Individual Member is eligible by invitation from the Chair for appointment to a Board Committee

Membership Dues

Dues for each category of membership shall be assessed yearly as determined by the Board of Directors after the Membership Committee makes a recommendation. The membership year begins yearly on April 1.

• Please read our membership by-laws for further details

To begin your membership application, please contact the membership team.

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