Welcome to our special page where you can find everything you need to know about the Medicaid Unwinding process.

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How is the Medicaid program going to change?

On December 29, 2022, the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2023, ended continuous Medicaid enrollment tied to the Federal COVID Public Health Emergency (PHE). This means that people enrolled in Medicaid will be required to submit current information about their household and income and meet eligibility requirements to stay enrolled in Medicaid.

Normally, the state Medicaid agency (the Family and Social Services Administration (FSSA) in Indiana) requires enrollees to renew their coverage annually. But when the pandemic began in early 2020, Congress enacted laws to help people get through the crisis. One of those laws prohibited states from terminating people’s Medicaid coverage, so states have not been requiring enrollees to go through the annual redetermination (renewal) process and update their eligibility information. This policy will end in April 2023.

These pages provide all of the latest tools, information and updates to guide you through this process.

Medicaid Unwinding Resources

Our Resource Center is your first stop for everything you need.

Click the button to search Medicaid Unwinding.

Or you can use the Resource Center search functions to find what you are looking for, by keyword, subject or category.

Communicating Changes to Medicaid -  A Toolkit

Whatever the color of our skin or the contents of our wallet, all Hoosiers should be able to prevent, treat, or recover from illness or injury without fearing bankruptcy.
For over two million Hoosiers, Medicaid provides the essential healthcare coverage we all need. But there are changes coming to Medicaid which could result in hundreds of thousands of us losing health insurance coverage in 2023. 

This toolkit is a collaborative effort of many organizations who serve Hoosiers with Medicaid. We hope you will join us in our collective effort to ensure Hoosiers either keep their Medicaid or find other health insurance coverage when Medicaid changes in 2023. With one in three Hoosiers covered by Medicaid, we need an “all hands on deck” approach to avoid a dramatic decrease in the number of Hoosiers with health insurance.  

Click here to view / download the toolkit as pdf.

Click the image to view the toolkit as an interactive flipbook.

CMS Train the Trainer -
Unwinding of the Continuous Medicaid Enrollment.

This is a powerpoint presentation provided by CMS giving a easy to understand overview of the Medicaid Unwinding process and what you need to do.

Click here to view / download as Powerpoint file

Click here to view / download as pdf file

CMS Train the Trainer / Unwinding of the Continuous Medicaid Enrollment.

Latest updates

Medicaid Unwinding Data

In this section, you will find State and National data.


Indiana Medicaid Reports

• Explanation of Baseline Report 

• Unwinding Eligibility and Enrollment Data Report, March 2023 

• Unwinding Eligibility and Enrollment Data Report, April 2023

• Unwinding Eligibility and Enrollment Data Report, May 2023

• Unwinding Eligibility and Enrollment Data Report, June 2023

>>> Click here to see full overview of FSSA's unwinding data and reports.

CMS Medicaid Unwinding Report for July


FSSA Dashboards

• April 2023

• May 2023

• June 2023

• FSSA Medicaid Unwinding Dashboard


Kaiser Family Foundation Report Tracker

The Medicaid Enrollment and Unwinding Tracker presents the most recent data on monthly Medicaid enrollment, renewals, disenrollments, and other key indicators reported by states during the unwinding of the Medicaid continuous enrollment provision. The unwinding data are pulled from state websites, where available, and from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS).

>>> Click here to read more


Georgetown University 50-State Tracker 

This tracker examines whether the following information can be found on the state Medicaid or state Marketplace website or in public documents: 1) the state’s unwinding plan or a summary;  2) communications materials/toolkits for partners; 3) an unwinding FAQ; 4) whether the state plans to launch an unwinding data dashboard or data has been released publicly; and 5) the state’s renewal report submitted to CMS.

>>> Click here for more

Losing Medicaid or CHIP and needing to enroll in your employer's coverage?
Here are some things you need to know.

FAQs on HIPAA Portability and Nondiscrimination Requirements for Workers

Under HIPAA, you and your family members cannot be denied eligibility or benefits based on certain "health factors" when enrolling in a health plan. In addition, you may not be charged more than similarly situated individuals based on any health factors.

This pdf factsheet offers some helpful answers on eligibilty when reenrolling for Medicaid.

Click here to view factsheet

UPDATED HIPAA Special Enrollment Period.

US Dept of Labor has released new information.

US Dept of Labor has released a flyer with new info.
There's now a longer-than-60-day period for someone losing Medicaid to enroll in an Employer Plan, through early July. It says:

"If you lose eligibility for Medicaid/CHIP on or before July 10, 2023, you can request special enrollment in your employment-based plan until at least September 8, 2023."

Click image to view factsheet (pdf)

Medicaid Unwinding in Indiana

States are required to report to CMS how the Unwinding/Return to Normal plans are going.

Indiana has elected to also share publicly and you can find that information and so much more on their website.

Click here to see how Indiana is doing!

Special Enrollment Period for Consumers Losing Medicaid Coverage Due to Unwinding

Between March 31, 2023, and July 31, 2024, Marketplace-eligible consumers who are losing Medicaid and/or CHIP coverage due to the unwinding can access an Unwinding Special Enrollment Period (SEP).

    • Individuals losing minimum essential coverage, such as Medicaid or CHIP, may report that loss of coverage up to 60 days before their last day of Medicaid or CHIP coverage.
    • Marketplace coverage will start the first day of the month following plan selection under this Unwinding SEP.
    • Consumers can apply for this SEP by submitting or updating an application through HealthCare.gov, a certified partner that supports SEPs, or the Marketplace Call Center.
    • Consumers who are determined eligible for this Unwinding SEP will have 60 days from the date on which they submit a new or updated HealthCare.gov application to make a plan selection.
    • After July 31, 2024, consumers who were unable to enroll in Marketplace coverage because they did not receive a timely notice of termination of Medicaid or CHIP coverage, may contact the Marketplace Call Center to request an SEP, which will be granted on a case-by-case basis.
    • Access CMS Guidance For SEP Here.

New Materials from FSSA

The Family and Social Services Administration (FSSA) added additional materials to their “return to normal” website including:

  • Take Action Now fliers in large print, Burmese, and Spanish
  • Benefits Portal flier in Burmese and Spanish
  • Posters in Burmese and Spanish
  • Social media assets
  • Sample member communications

Click here to find out more
(Scroll down to Member Handouts / Outreach Materials to view downloadable posters, flyers and postcards, and social media assets.)

Uploading Redetermination Documents

In 2022, the Family and Social Services Administration (FSSA) added the ability to upload documents to the Benefits Portal. Members can now submit redetermination information by uploading the redetermination form and supporting verification documents like paystubs. 

Sample Letter about Potential Changes to Health Coverage

Video about uploading documents as an Authorized Representative

Video about Redeterminations

Medicaid Unwinding Resources

Click the button to search our database for useful resources.

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